Back to School Resources
Future ready families know that schools can do great things for their kids, but they can’t do them alone. Families of all kinds want to engage as learning partners but doing so requires reflection on our own kids, the schools in which they learn, and the world they will inherit – information that schools often struggle to provide on their own.
Advice for parenting babies is abundant but dries up quickly as children become school-aged. We’re told not to “helicopter,” but no one tells us what to do instead. Parents today have access to more information but less clarity and fewer answers than ever before. It can be difficult to know where to turn, what to believe, and how to make the right decision for your child. Future ready families are grounded in their values and informed about the future, and they are coming together to make informed choices about supporting their kids along the way.
Future Ready Families supports children and their families by providing parents and decision-makers with cultivated information, worksheets, book and website recommendations, templates and tools to help them navigate both the big decisions and the daily activities that come with raising children in today’s world.
Back to school is both an exciting and challenging time. The start of a new school year marks an opportunity for your child for new learning and growth. Unfortunately, even in a normal year it can be challenging to know if your child is starting the year on track, and COVID has only made that question more difficult.
That’s why I am so excited the Colorado Education Initiative partnered with Learning Heroes and Seek Common Ground on readiness resources for families to navigate learning expectations. I hope you’ll spend some time checking out these readiness resources to help get a sense of your child’s current learning level, have critical conversations with your child’s teacher and gather the guidance needed to know what’s coming up in the year ahead for your child.
Here’s to a new school year, filled with possibilities.